FRAME Discipline: Five Steps to Maximize Growth

Frame Discipline

To FRAME discipline is similar to framing a work of art. Without it there is simply something missing.

For your disciplines to create the most growth you must be consistent, intentional, and flexible. For more on choosing disciplines see: Performance Standards.

The Framed Five

  1. F – FOCUS. Once you carve out a discipline it is critical to be consistently focused in this area for a minimum period of time. Ideally this a daily or at the very least weekly commitment. My recommendation is initially 21-90 days (be specific). This designates a definite period of time for momentum and results. Throughout this time period:
  2. R – REFLECT on your progress. Track your activity. What ripples are you seeing? What other choices have you made? Be relentless in looking for the positive changes. Track and document. I use an app called HabitBull for tracking and a good old fashioned journal for documentation.
  3. A – ASSESS the value of the discipline. Upon completion of the initial period identify specific measurable results supported by each discipline. What’s different about you, your environment, and the important areas of your life?
  4. M – MODIFY if necessary. Given your assessment you may choose to do more or less of a given discipline. Or you could extend or let go. You might add one or two. Make these and any other modifications and…
  5. E – EXECUTE. Implement your modifications immediately. And then go back go to step one and repeat.

FRAME Discipline Case Study – Bruce Troville

40 Days of FOCUS follows the FRAME Discipline steps. Here is an extraordinary testimonial of this. Because Bruce Troville’s framed discipline of journaling led to massive change. He lost 92 lbs and 20 inches from his waist.

Your life is a work of art. Discipline is the stroke on the canvas. FRAME your Discipline with these five steps and watch your masterpiece come alive.