Throw Your Hat In The Ring: Declare Your Future

Throw your hat in the ring (verb):

  1. the act of making a definite, time-bounded, external declaration of what you intend to take on or accomplish.
  2. the act of creating an external representation of what you intend to accomplish.
Throw Your Hat in the Ring
Throw hat in ring

In the early 19th century, when boxing was quite popular, one who wished to challenge a boxer would throw his hat into the ring. This was probably necessitated by the crowds and noise at such events; you’d be missed if you simply tried to shout out a challenge or push your way through the crowd and into the ring.

Think about it. You throw your hat. And once that hat hits the ring… you are committed. There is no turning back. If you know that within a specified period of time you are going to take on another person in hand-to-hand combat, does it change the way you think, feel, and act? What’s different?

A similar experience occurs when you make an external, time-bounded commitment or representation of what you intend to take on or accomplish.

Throw Your Hat: Visualize to Realize

Before The Ripple Effect was a published book, I took the advice of Dr. Wayne Dyer. Each time he wrote a book he would have his design team create a mock cover. This helped him focus on the creation of the not-yet-completed work. It was his way of throwing his hat in the ring.

In lieu of an on-hand design team I went online and found an image of a ripple. I printed it on a color printer and ran it back through with The Ripple Effect and my name on the image. Then I placed it in the front sleeve of a notebook. I looked at it often and carried it with me, using the notebook to capture ideas. This was fairly effective for writing the first draft.

Throw Hat in Ring, The Ripple Effect

But in November 2011, The Ripple Effect manuscript had been sitting, fairly stagnant, in my computer for a couple of months. My girlfriend at the time went into my computer (without my knowledge) and obtained the manuscript and the image. She put together a modified cover with the manuscript, brought it to a coy shop, and gave it to me in booklet form that year for Christmas.

She threw my hat in the ring.

In the Ring

When I put it in my hands and opened it, I saw my words in between the covers. It was magical. Within 30 days I made the necessary edits needed and sent it to my publisher. Within 90 days the first official copies of The Ripple Effect arrived at my doorstep.

Without this, I am fairly certain the book would have still been published… eventually. I’m also pretty sure it would have taken much longer.

“Images are the language of the body. We ‘talk’ to our body with images. Our body doesn’t ‘hear’ words as much as it hears or feels images.”

David Williamson, Twelve Powers in You

Full disclosure: the aforementioned woman is no longer my girlfriend. She is my wife. I threw my hat in the ring.

Throw Your Hat: Declaration

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now”.

J. W. von Goethe

First Time For Everything

I recently I applied this concept and threw my hat in the ring. First I announced publicly that I would participate in my first ever bodybuilding competition before the age of 51. Then I researched options. And then I completed the application and paid the registration fee. Shortly thereafter I hired a coach and began the arduous training and nutrition regimen. On May 11 I will be on stage for the NGA Gator Classic in Ormond Beach, FL.

Consider today creating an inspiring, definite future for yourself- one that will give you meaning, purpose and passion right now. Do you want to:

  • Play the guitar? Sing? Do stand-up comedy? Book an open mic night.
  • Lose weight? Register for a 5K, hire a trainer, buy the clothes you will fit into.
  • Win a sales contest? Book a vacation with a non-refundable deposit for the celebration when (and only when) you win.
  • Start a business? Get the business card printed.
  • Increase your sales? Register for a sales seminar, hire a coach, book a celebration date now for 3 months out.
  • Write a book? Design the cover and look at it daily.

How will you throw your hat in the ring? I really want to know!

Comments 3

  1. Pingback: Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: How to Super Size Your Effectiveness Keynote speaker, author, musician

  2. I threw my hat in the ring! Am I nervous? ABSOLUTELY! But you miss 100% of the chances you don’t take. If you want something, you have to commit. You have to go after it and declare your intentions! Doug, having a tangible representation of your goal is a fantastic way to get things moving. I have followed that path and hope my efforts lead to fruition.

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