One Simple Choice for the New Year

I have had many wonderful opportunities to share the power of The Ripple Effect. It was truly a pleasure to be on the Atlanta Small Business Show with Jim Fitzpatrick to talk about how ANYONE can make one simple choice and change the course of their life. Sound too big or too good to be true? I invite you to watch the video to discover why New Year’s resolutions don’t work and what does. Now is the time. Have your resolutions stalled in the past? You owe it to yourself to choose a new way.

Choose powerfully! 

Atlanta Business Show interview

Comments 3

  1. Pingback: Become Unstoppable: Seven Strategies to Get Out of Your Own Way Keynote speaker, author, musician

  2. I keep the Ripple Effect book near by my office desk. It is a reminder to me that any one event can cause a ripple effect.

    Doug always closes his message by “choose powerfully”. So true.

    My goal as I begin every year Doug is to continue to inspire the potential within others; when I get to help others achieve their goals it is then I know I have achieved mine.

    Keep going and throwing your hat in the ring!


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