Three Morning Disciplines for Success and Achievement

How do you start your morning? The way you start the day can have a lot to do with the way the day goes. I’d like to share with you three morning disciplines to powerfully and positively impact the quality of your life.

morning disciplines
  1. Morning Pages. These are described in Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way. You simply write in your journal for three consecutive pages. It can be anything that comes to your mind.  It tends to take 10-20 minutes. It’s literally a mental dump of whatever is going through your mind. If you had a weird dream the night before if a to-do comes up that you think you might want to capture you simply write it. There are no rules other than just writing for three consecutive pages.
  2. 10-minute devotional. This is time to connect with higher purpose. You can use an app, a book or a guided meditation. Or you can simply sit and be quiet and contemplate a higher truth. 
  3. 10 minutes of the MORE/LESS GOAL METHOD. Originally introduced in 40 Days of FITNESS, this mental exercise engages energy around want to achieve and experience more and less of. And subsequently what you can DO more and less of to align with this. For MORE (and LESS) go to

There are many other positive morning disciplines you can choose from to start your day, including (but not limited to):

  • Reading
  • Yoga
  • Cardio
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Planning your day

If you don’t have a powerful morning routine, consider choosing one or two to lock in for the next 40 days. Pay attention to what happens.

If you do have a powerful morning routine, I’d really like to hear what’s working for you. What morning discipline(s) do you find to be most effective?

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  1. Pingback: Choose Powerfully: Being the Calm in the Storm - Doug Grady Keynote speaker, author, musician

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