The Purpose and Power of WHY

Purpose and Power of WhyThe Purpose and Power of WHY

(Part two of Focus on your Goals with the Where, WHY, How Method) For part one CLICK HERE.

Why ask WHY? It’s been said you can accomplish any “HOW” if you have a strong enough “WHY.” This is the purpose and power of WHY.

I’d to share with you an example of using the WHERE, WHY, HOW method to accomplish an (albeit minor) goal.

My WHERE (or WHAT) was to write part two of this blog series (yes, the one you are reading right now).

Initially I was a bit stuck. The words weren’t coming and it felt forced. Then I considered the WHY.

“Why am I doing this?” -Question to SELF

The reasons came quickly, among them because:

  • It aligns with my mission to help people reach their God-given potential.
  • It’s important for my business.
  • It is a way of expressing who I am.
  • I said I would.
  • I will have a sense of accomplishment upon completion.
  • I will feel bad if I don’t.

Clarifying the WHY had an immediate, positive impact on my attitude as well as the outline, flow, and speed of completion of this goal. The HOW almost took care of itself.

This is the purpose and power of WHY. If your WHY is strong enough it will:

  1. FOCUS your mind When you have a deeper sense of purpose you will tend to be less distracted. Your mind will naturally gravitate toward the people, places, and circumstances supporting the accomplishment of your WHAT.
  2. Motivate you Energy, enthusiasm and determination are strengthened as you strengthen your WHY.
  3. Spark creativity You will tend to be more innovative and think outside the box your in your pursuit of your WHAT.
  4. Sustain you In challenging times. Your WHY will help you stay the course when times get tough or when your WHAT seems distant.

“People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it.” –Simon Sinek

Here are a few questions to help you clarify and strengthen your WHY. Choose one of your WHATs and ask:

  1. What is most important about this goal? What else?
  2. Why is it so important?
  3. How does this goal align with my mission/purpose in life?
  4. What else will be possible when I accomplish this goal?
  5. How will this impact my
    • faith?
    • family?
    • lifestyle?
    • business/career?
    • finances?
    • future?
    • legacy?
  6. How will I feel when I accomplish this?
  7. How will I feel if I don’t accomplish this?
  8. How will I grow through this?

Invest as much time as it takes to get a a strong sense of purpose for your major goals (works with minor goals too, this blog is almost complete).

Last note on the power and purpose of why. If you don’t come up with compelling reasons, this is a good sign you may want to re-evaluate if this should even be  goal in the first place. Don’t be surprised if your WHY leads you to a WHAT you you weren’t even considering.

Stay tuned for part three in this three part series, HOW will I Get There?

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