Personal Growth: No One Can Do It For You

Personal Growth: No One Can Do It For You

There is a reason why the word “personal” is included in personal growth. Your growth will be unique to you, and no one can do it for you.

6 Personal Growth Elements No One Can Do For You:

Personal Growth: No One can do it for you1. Exercise. As the late great business philosopher Jim Rohn said,

“No one can do your pushups for you.” -Jim Rohn

(or kettlebells, pullups, stretching, yoga, running, healthy eating…)

When it comes to exercise and other disciplines, whether they be physical, mental, spiritual or otherwise, no one can do it for you. No one can study for you. No one can meditate for you. No one can engage in quality time with the important people in your life for you. No one can worship for you.

2. Feel. Others can empathize, sympathize, and do their best to put themselves in your shoes, but no one can truly experience what you are feeling.

Personal Growth: No One can do it for youEach heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy. Proverbs 14:10

3. Choose. One of the greatest gifts we have been given in life is our freedom to choose. It is also a responsibility, a charge to all who are committed to growth. We can choose to think differently, to engage in personal and professional development, to adjust our environment, to change our lifestyle. One simple choice can change the course of your life.

If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. -Geddy Lee

4. Focus. What we focus on expands. While there may be an infinite number of influences clamoring for your attention, it is up to you and you only to focus on what is most important to you. No one can do this for you.

5. Be. From your fingerprints to the hair on your head and the makeup of your mind, no one is, was, or ever will be exactly like you. You are special, unique, one of a kind. You are here for a purpose that you and only you can fulfill. No one else can be you.

6. Love. Your love can come only from you. The love you choose to share with your family, your friends, your community, your nation, your world, your Creator. This can come only from you.

“What the world needs now is love sweet love.” Burt Bacharach (recorded by Dionne Warwick)

Ultimately no one can reach your God-given potential for you. But it is, has been, and will be within you as long as there is breath in you. And if it is in you, you can reach it. Will you?

I welcome your feedback on this, please comment below.

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