Chris Cobb: Cobbisms

Chris Cobb: Cobbisms

The following Cobbisms are from one-on-one conversations with Chris. I have endeavored to frame them in such a way as to be both accurate and serve the greatest good.

Thou shalt have no other Gods before me – This means no other thoughts, desires, concerns, obsessions, hobbies, goals, plans, loves, worries, cares… The only thoughts I want are God’s.

(Anxiety, depression, anger or your favorite storm) is the obstacle you need to overcome.

Fear of the future: You suck at predicting your own demise. You are not that powerful. Give up the judgments and distortions:

  • It is an insult to God
  • It is arrogance
  • You don’t know more than God

We find our salvation through the eyes of our brother.

Remember and focus on the times you get close to the edge of a personal storm and you don’t go there.

Everyday you get to rewrite the story of your life: your marriage, your work, choices…

The ego speaks first and is always wrong.

Build self-esteem by doing esteem-able acts.

The power that drives my future is I am God’s son.

Mistakes need correcting, not punishment.

The battle is not between the ego and the Spirit. The battle is between the ego and the ego. The Spirit does not battle, it simple is. (Doug’s note- I pictured the comic Spy vs Spy from Mad Magazine. For a more contemporary reference check out the epic battle between the Axe and Rhoades on the show Billions.)


  • movie sucking in the audience
  • never happy
  • always on alert
  • “I am your god”
  • this world is a prison


  • God’s voice
  • peace
  • love
  • joy
  • this world is a classroom, purpose is to graduate

Anxiety happens when you feel alone and that nothing can help you.

Resentment = rethinking. Stop rethinking the past. Let it go, give it up.

All are innocent. We believe we are separate. We all want to reunite with the Father.

Ways to deal with the ego:

  • Intervene: say “STOP IT!”
  • Put your fingers in your ears and yell. “LA LA LA LA LA!”
  • Change the channel to:
    • ACIM
    • Bible
    • music
    • prayer
    • mediation
    • contemplation*
    • engage the senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, nature, beauty, sunsets, animals

Anxiety (or other storm) is not:

  • you
  • real
  • true
  • from God

Anxiety (or other storm) is:

  • storm
  • feeling
  • feels real
  • needs to be dealt with
  • will pass
  • from the ego

When you observe the ego is upset, realize the observer is different from that which is observed. The ego is upset that the ego is upset. the Self is not upset. Let the ego be upset without being upset about it. The ego is like a child throwing a tantrum – let it. Don’t try to fix it, this might make it worse, Take it to the Spirit. Ask the Spirit, “What do we do with this?”

The ego is only doing what it knows to do, like a dog chasing a squirrel. Close your eyes, turn from the ego (literally turn your body physically in the other direction) toward the Spirit. I am turning to YOU because you are the teacher and I want to follow. I ask for help, I call to you. 

“Mental lapses” (lost your keys, made a wrong turn or other mistakes) are fodder for the ego. Ego says, “You screwed up, time to be anxious!”

Self/I AM (capital S) says: There is no meaning to this. (I AM) does not choose to be upset. (I AM) can choose peace instead of this.

–> It’s “the ego” not “my ego”

There is only one Teacher- the Spirit, the Self, the Prince of Peace, God’s voice.

Three reasons contributing to heightened sense of storm:

  1. Consciousness is raised. The Self is aware, paying attention, and addressing it.
  2. Significant people in your life (spouse, partner, family, friends) can be fodder for the ego.
  3. The ego is not going quietly. It is not willing to participate in its own demise.

If the ego kicks your ass it is because you let it.

The world is in the domain of the ego.

Remove the obstacles to spiritual development.

Your spouse is the best teacher you have (I agree).

Follow the prompts with regard to helping others, creativity, business contacts.

When the ego says “this won’t last”, respond with “Chill, lighten up Francis.” (Doyg note: This is how my ego, I mean the ego that I am present to, got the name Francis).

You are the light of the world. Forgiveness is your function as the light of the world.

Fear is of the ego.

I see the upset. I can choose to participate or not. I am not the fight. I can choose not to participate.

Three steps to Spirit:

  1. Witness the crazy/chaos
  2. Realize you can choose what you pay attention to (ego or Spirit)
  3. Choose Spirit

“This is a waste of time Francis.”

External forces are not doing this to you, the ego is.

We crucify ourselves over and over again. Forgiveness is the way out.

*Contemplation: What would it look like/mean to (fully trust in the Lord/ “I am safe, he loves me, He is in control, I can let go).

What if you  looked at everything lovingly, including:

  • upsets
  • yourself
  • mistakes
  • setbacks
  • irritations

Learn to forgive yourself.

Learn your thinking is not your friend.

Prayer = accepting/seeing what you already are. See yourself as you really are.

If you have other Cobbisms or reflections on Chris Cobb please share them in the comments section.