The Power of Commitment

Goethe quote“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This quote by Goethe about commitment is one of my favorites. Have you found it to be true?

I am currently 12 days into a 6 week trip to Southern California leading up to speaking at Secret Knock in July. The critical component to making this trip happen: commitment.

Two months ago I had no idea where I would be staying, what exactly I would be doing, or how it would all work out, but I was committed.

It has been almost surreal at times the happenings that have occurred out of this commitment. My first seven days n Southern California I stayed with my friend Troy in his beach house in Newport Beach. Previous to this trip he knew me only by reputation. He rolled out the red carpet, purchased copies of The Ripple Effect for his entire team, and booked me to speak for his company. I’m still driving one of his cars which just happens to be a Range Rover. For the next 4 weeks I’m in a 2 bedroom in Huntington Beach my good friend Barry who I met years ago in Manhattan Beach. I’ve spoken to 6 groups in my first 8 business days here and my revenue for the month is already higher than any month in the past year. I am hanging out with some incredible people, and I’m on the beach with my wife joining me in less than a week!

“When you’re committed there’s always a way.” -Tony Robbins

What will happen when you commit? When you are committed you:

  • Think differently. Your brain starts shifting from asking “if” something can happen to asking “how” it can happen. Your mind clears and you gain focus.
  • Feel differently. You know when you’re committed, and when you’re not. You can feel it. You breathe differently. Your body is in a state of certainty. Your present to a sense of flow.
  • Act differently. Your work automatically becomes more consistent with what you are committed to. Your excuses shrivel up as your commitment grows. You accomplish more in a shorter period of time. You worker smarter and harder,
  • Attract differently. Serendipity happens when your committed. Stuff will show up in your life that you simply cannot explain.

Commitment can be scary, even after you’ve made it. Expect some resistance. Similar to buyer’s remorse at times, you may begin to wonder what you got yourself into. The tendency to draw back may reemerge. Naysayers may criticize your judgement. Others who may even be well-meaning may try to dissuade you from your commitment. It’s this pivot point between commit and comfort that must be effectively navigated to stay the course. Keep asking yourself:

 What am I committed to? What actions are consistent with this commitment?

One final thought about commitment. Just because you’re committed, it doesn’t necessarily mean things will work out the way you want them to. But one thing’s for sure. It won’t be for lack of commitment. And the committed life is a life worth living.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Where have you seen commitment change the course of your life?
  2. How has a lack of commitment affected your desired results?
  3. What are you committed to?

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