Goal Achievement: How Will I Get There?

Goal AchievementGoal Achievement: How Will I Get There?

(Part three of Focus on your Goals with the Where, Why, HOW Method)

note: the words “where” and “goal” are used interchangeably in this blog.

One of the biggest excuses people give for lack of goal achievement is that they don’t know HOW. Here’s the good news: you don’t have to know HOW.

All the planning, strategy, and resources in the world may not get you to your WHERE if you are not:

  1. Clear on your WHY (see WHY ask WHY: The Purpose and Power of WHY)
  2. Clear on your WHERE (see Focus on Your Goals)
  3. Committed

Given #1 and #2, the most important aspect of getting to your WHERE is your COMMITMENT. Consider one of your most important goals. Picture it in your mind. See it clearly and specifically.

This is a gut check. Are you absolutely committed to this goal? If not, read no further. This blog probably won’t help.

If you are, here are a few questions to help sort out your HOW.

  1. What has to happen to reach your goal?
  2. What are you not doing, that if you did, would support you in getting to your WHERE?
  3. Who do you know that has already achieved this goal?
  4. Who has a vested interest in your success?
  5. Who can you ask for help?
  6. What resources are available to you?
  7. What resources do you need?
  8. What can you do right now?

You don’t have to have all the answers, even to the above questions. Simply ask them and answer them to the best of your ability.

As you continually answer and re-answer the above questions, engage in these MINDSET and MOVEMENT Methods for goal achievement.

Mindset Methods:

  • Rewrite your major goals daily. Brian Tracy taught me this years ago. When you rewrite your goals you embed into your subconscious accessing more of your cognitive abilities to reach them.
  • Visualization. See yourself accomplishing  your goal. See it vividly, and in the present moment. Feel the feelings you will feel.
  • Vision board. This is an external representation of your goal or goals. Use magazines, articles, artwork- be creative!
  • Affirmations. They should be positive, personal, present-tense, and plausible. Tell yourself, “I earn, I achieve, I am ______________.”
  • Check in with your WHY on a regular basis. We tend to lose sight of our WHERE when our WHY is fuzzy.

Movement Methods.

  • Break it down. For longer term goals consider what you can do this quarter, this month, this week, today, right now. Given this, choose your:
  • Disciplines. What activities, if repeated often enough, will get you closer to your goal? Commit to daily and weekly disciplines.
  • Key connections. Make a list of people you can connect with to support reaching your WHERE. Plan on how you will connect and start executing your plan.
  • Tracking. How will you measure progress? Clarify this and track regularly.

“When you proceed confidently in the direction of your dreams a path will unfold itself.” Doug Grady

Goal achievement can take time, resources, discipline and strategy. But most importantly it takes commitment.

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